An invisible fence system ensures your pet stays safe in your yard. The collar for the invisible fence is significant. Checking its battery is vital for the wall to work well. In this guide, you will learn how to test an invisible fence collar battery and ensure it works great.

Table of Contents

Why Testing Invisible Fence Collar Battery is Important

The collar battery for the invisible fence sends signals to make the fence boundary work. The system might not keep your dog safe if the battery is dead or weak. Testing the battery often stops them from getting out and makes the fence work well.

Signs of a Weak Collar Battery

Before testing, you must know signs indicating a weak collar battery. These signs include:

Inconsistent Activation:

If the collar’s activation is sporadic or weak, it could be due to a low battery.

Reduced Range:

If your pet can get closer to the boundary flags than usual, it might be a sign that the battery is losing power.

Frequent Escapes:

Suppose your pet escapes the containment area more often. In that case, the collar might not deliver consistent correction due to a weak battery.

Tools You’ll Need

To test the invisible fence collar battery, you’ll need:

  • A small Phillips-head screwdriver
  • Battery tester or multimeter
  • Replacement battery (if necessary)

Steps to Easily Test the Battery of the Invisible Fence Receiver Collar

Testing the battery of your wireless fence receiver collar is a simple process that ensures the effectiveness of your pet’s containment system. Here are the steps to quickly test the battery:

Step 1: Gather Your Tools

Before you start, gather the necessary tools: a small Phillips-head screwdriver and a battery tester or multimeter. Having these tools ready will make the testing process smoother.

Step 2: Open the Collar

Use the tiny Phillips-head screwdriver to remove the screws holding the collar’s case. Open the collar gently to get to the battery compartment.

Step 3: Inspect the Battery

Please take a moment to inspect the battery and its contacts visually. Keep an eye out for any corrosive or damaged indications. If you notice any, gently clean the contacts with a dry cloth to ensure accurate testing.

Step 4: Use the Battery Tester

If you’re using a battery tester, follow these sub-steps:

  1. Hold the battery tester against the contacts, ensuring they’re appropriately aligned.
  2. Check the battery tester’s display for a voltage reading. This reading indicates the battery’s current charge.

If you’re using a multimeter, follow these sub-steps:

  1. Select the DC voltage measuring mode on the multimeter.
  2. Touch the multimeter’s probes to the battery’s positive and negative terminals.
  3. Read the voltage displayed on the multimeter’s screen.

Step 5: Check the Voltage

Look at the manufacturer’s specifications to find the proper voltage range for the collar battery. A good battery should be in this range. If the voltage is way lower than it should be, it might be time for a new battery.

Step 6: Reassemble the Collar

If the battery is still in good condition, carefully reassemble the collar by closing the casing and tightening the screws. Ensure that the battery compartment is fully completed and sealed.

Step 7: Perform a Test Run

After reassembling the collar:

  1. Please put it on your pet as usual.
  2. Take your dog to the boundaries of the containment area to ensure the dog’s collar activates appropriately.
  3. Listen for the warning beep, indicating the dog’s neckΒ collar battery is working properly.

Step 8: Keep a Testing Schedule

Make sure to test the battery regularly. Do this to keep the invisible fence working well. Test it once a month to find any problems early and keep your pet safe.

Step 9: Replace the Battery if Needed

If the battery fails the voltage test or shows signs of weakness during the test run, it means it’s time to change the battery with a new battery as soon as possible. Always use the manufacturer-recommended battery type for optimal performance.

Follow these steps to test the receiver collar. This helps ensure your pet’s containment system stays reliable and works well.

Tips for Maintaining a Strong Invisible Fence Collar Battery

Maintaining a solid collar battery is essential to ensure the efficiency of your invisible fence system. By following these tips, you can extend the life of the battery and enhance the overall performance of the collar:

Regular Cleaning:

Keep the collar clean by regularly wiping it down with a dry cloth. Dirt, debris, and moisture can interfere with the battery’s performance and cause corrosion. To provide consistent signals, clean the contact points as well.

Proper Storage:

Β Keep a spare battery in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. This will help preserve their capacity and prevent premature drainage.

Check the Contacts:

Β Make it a habit to inspect the contact points on the collar. Over time, dirt or your pet’s fur can accumulate, affecting the connection between the collar and your pet’s skin. Clean the contacts gently using a soft, dry cloth.

Avoid Submerging:

Even if some invisible fence collars can handle water a bit, it’s better not to put them underwater or get them very wet. Wetness can harm them and make the battery stop it’sΒ working.

Regular Testing:

Aside from the monthly testing routine, occasionally test the collar’s battery even if you do not notice any issues. This proactive approach can help catch transmitter problems early on.

Replace Seals and Gaskets:

Β If your collar has seals or gaskets to protect the battery compartment, check them for wear and tear. Damaged seals can let moisture in, causing damage to the battery.

Limit Time on Pets:

When your dog wears the collar outside, take it off during indoor rest. This helps the battery last longer and relieves your pet’s discomfort.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures:

Exposing the collar to extreme heat or cold can impact the battery’s performance. If you live in an area with harsh weather conditions, consider using protective covers or sleeves.

Regular Inspections:

Beyond just the battery, periodically inspect the entire collar for signs of wear, cracks, or damage. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent more significant problems down the line.

Follow Manufacturer Recommendations:

Check the instructions from the maker of your invisible fence collar. Different collars might need special care. Use these tips often to keep your collar battery solid and reliable. This helps your dog get clear signals and corrections. Taking care of the battery keeps your dog happy and safe in your yard.

When to Replace the Invisible Fence Collar Battery

It’s important to know when to change the collar battery to keep your invisible dog fence working well. Most shock collar batteries don’t last forever, but some battery indicatorΒ lights willΒ  blink to help you know when it’s time to get a new one:

Reduced Activation Range:

Suppose you notice that your pet can get closer to the boundary wire before the collar activates. In that case, it’s a sign that the battery might be losing its power. This reduced range could compromise the containment system.

Inconsistent Activation:

A weak or dying battery might result in irregular collar activation. Suppose your pet receives an uneven correction level or can breach the boundary despite wearing the collar. In that case, it’s time to consider a replacement.

Shorter Battery Life:

If the battery lasts less time and you change it more often, it is almost worn out.

Weaker Correction:

When the battery gets weaker, the collar’s correction might not be strong enough for your dog. Your pet might not understand the signals well, which could lead to them escaping.

Frequent False Alarms:

If the collar starts beeping or activating even when your dog is nowhere near the boundary line, it could be due to an insufficient battery. False alarms indicate that the battery is struggling to maintain the required voltage.

Corrosion or Damage:

Suppose you notice any decline or damage to the battery compartment or contacts during routine inspections. In that case, it’s a clear sign that the collar’s battery is compromised. It is imperative to change the battery in these circumstances.

Battery Tester Readings:

Regularly using a battery tester or multimeter to measure the voltage of the collar battery can provide insight into its health. If the readings consistently show low voltage, investing in a new battery is time.

Manufacturer’s Recommendation:

Some manufacturers provide specific guidelines on when to replace the collar battery based on usage and time. Always refer to their recommendations for the most accurate information.

Aging Collar:

Suppose your invisible fence collar has been used for several years. Proactively replacing the battery is a good idea, even if you haven’t noticed any performance issues. Older collars are more likely to experience battery degradation.

System Malfunctions:

Suppose you experience persistent system malfunctions, including false activations or no response from the collar. In that case, it’s worth considering the collar battery as a potential culprit.

How Often Should You Test Invisible Fence Collar Battery?

It’s recommended to test the invisible fence collar battery everyΒ month.Β Regularly test the collar to ensure your pet remains safely within the containment area.

Troubleshooting Tips

If the collar isn’t working correctly as expected, consider these steps:

  • Check the battery’s voltage with a tester.
  • Ensure the contact points on the collar are clean and adequately touching your pet’s skin.
  • If the collar still doesn’t work, contact the manufacturer for assistance.


You must check the collar battery often to keep your pet safe. This guide ensures the battery works well, sending good signals and corrections. A well-kept battery is essential for the invisible fence to work, and your pet can play safely.

Suppose you need clarification on the battery or have problems while testing; look at the instructions from the maker or ask for help. Being careful with the battery can stop your pet from trying to escape and let them enjoy being inside your yard.


Can I use any battery tester for this test?

Yes, you can use a battery tester or a multimeter to check the voltage of the collar battery.

Is it normal for the battery to drain quickly in extreme weather?

Yes, extreme temperatures can affect battery performance. During such conditions, you should test the battery more frequently.

Can I replace the collar battery myself?

Yes, you can return the collar battery using a small Phillips-head screwdriver. Just ensure you use the recommended battery type.

What should I do if the collar beeps or blinks even when I'm not near the boundary flags?

This could indicate a signal interference issue. Check for nearby electric devices and large metal objects that might affect the collar's signals.

How long do invisible fence collar batteries usually last?

The lifespan of collar batteries varies, but they typically last for 3 months and sometimes 6 months, depending on usage and battery quality.

Can I test the collar while it's on my pet?

Removing the collar for testing is recommended to avoid discomfort or confusion for your pet.

What if I don't hear the warning beep during testing?

Double-check the battery's voltage and contacts if you don't hear the beep. If the issue persists, consider contacting customer support for further guidance.

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